Updating packages for 1.9.0 =========================== Package maintainers should be aware of the following changes scheduled to appear in 1.9.0. 1) The standard packages have been reorganized. The packages ctest eda lqs modreg mva nls stepfun ts continue to exist but provide no R code and if called will issue a warning and load the new home for their code (stats except MASS for lqs). Please update references to them in the DESCRIPTION file, in R code, .Rd files and NAMESPACE files (as they no longer have name spaces). Strictly you should declare any dependencies on the new packages graphics, stats and utils, but we believe it to be fairly safe not to. What is essential is to update NAMESPACE files to import any generics used from graphics, stats and utils. 2) Package checking `` for code/documentation mismatches '' now gives more `` Codoc mismatches from documentation object ... '' . The default for codoc() {in package tools} has been changed to `use.values = NULL' (from `use.values = FALSE') since we found that in almost all places such documentation mismatches are accidental and can be misleading. In the \usage section, you should usually specify the default values of arguments exactly as they are in the R code. If a default value is too complicated, you should not specify it at all. Rather, we recommend using `arg = ' (with an empty right hand side but with "="), because this still suggests that the code has an explicit default value (which can be described in the \arguments or \details sections). 3) The `package' argument to data() is no longer allowed to be an unquoted name, e.g., you must use data(state, package = "base") instead of data(state, package = base). However, unless really necessary we suggest you do not use it all as the organization of system datasets is under review. 4) R CMD check now runs the (Rd)examples with default RNGkind (uniform & normal) and set.seed(1). This may change the output from your examples. Note that example(*, setRNG = TRUE) uses the same RNG setup. Also, the search path is reset before running each example, which will help to find unintentional dependencies on earlier examples. 5) When model.frame() is called, it adds to its terms attribute an attribute "dataClasses", and this can be checked against the newdata argument by a call to .checkMFClasses: see lm and predict.lm for how to do so. Developers who use predict(newdata=) may wish to add such code to their packages. (You can use if (!is.null(cl <- attr(Terms, "dataClasses")) && exists(".checkMFClasses", envir=NULL)) .checkMFClasses(cl, m) to be backwards compatible.) If your code is like rpart and handles ordered and unordered factors differently use .checkMFClasses(cl, m, TRUE) --- this is not needed for code like lm as both the set of levels of the factors and the contrasts used at fit time are recorded in the fit object and retrieved by the predict methods. For more details, see http://developer.r-project.org/model-fitting-functions.txt . 6) The implementation of grid graphical objects ("grob"s) has changed. This will affect any use of grid.edit(), grid.pack(), grid.place() and may affect uses of "grobwidth" and "grobheight" units. For more details see the documentation on the grid web site http://www.stat.auckland.ac.nz/~paul/grid/grid.html#docs This ONLY affects direct usage of grid. For example, there should be no impact on code which calls lattice functions.