TODO list for Windows version of R

This site is intended as an intermediate repository for more or less finalized ideas and plans for the R statistical system. Most parts of the site are open to the public, and we welcome discussions on the ideas, but please do not take them for more than that, in particular there is no commitment to actually carry out the plans in finite time unless expressedly stated.


Cross-compiled previews of upcoming versions are available, of varying timeliness but usually no more than a few days' old. See the README for details.

September 2001 These previews are likely to be built rarely whilst I am on leave.

In the run up to a release Duncan Murdoch makes builds available at


There are currently no plans to make further Windows-specific enhancements to R. R-core members feel that the aim of providing equivalent functionality on Windows as on Unix/Linux has been achieved as well as is practicable with the limited expertise and resources available.

There are many opportunities for contributions by Windows programmers, including the lists below.


A few things we know about, but do not know how to solve.

User suggestions

Suggestions include: