This blog is updated daily.
A general description is here.
The PCRE library has been updated to version 8.00.
R CMD INSTALL has new options --no-R, --no-libs, --no-data,
--no-help, --no-demo, --no-exec, and --no-inst to suppress
installation of the specified part of the package. These are
intended for special purposes (e.g. building a database
of help pages without fully installing all packages).
The documented line-length limit of 4095 bytes when reading
from the console now also applies also to parse(file="")
(which previously had a limit of around 1024 bytes).
A Bioconductor mirror can be set for use by setRepositories()
via the option "BioC_mirror", e.g. the European mirror can be
selected by
Double-clicking in a tk_select.list() list box now selects the
item and closes the list box (as happens on the Windows
select.list() widget).
configure will be able to find a usable libtiff in some rare
circumstances where it did not previously (where libtiff
needed to be linked explicitly against -ljpeg).
Making refman.pdf works around a problem with the indexing
with hyperref 6.79d and later.
The 'extended' argument is deprecated in strsplit(), grep(),
grepl(), sub(), gsub(), regexpr() and gregexpr() (not just the
value extended = FALSE) and will be removed in R 2.11.0.
trigamma(x) and other psigamma(x, n) calls are now accurate for
very large abs(x). (PR#14020)
[g]sub(perl=FALSE, fixed=FALSE) could use excessive stack space
when used with a very long vector containing some non-ASCII
The default method of weighted.mean(na.rm = TRUE) did not omit
weights for NA observations in 2.10.0. (PR#14032)
[g]regexpr(pattern, fixed = TRUE) returned match positions in
bytes (not characters) in an MBCS locale if 'pattern' was a
single byte.
[g]sub(fixed = TRUE) with a single-byte pattern could conceivably have matched part of a multibyte character in a non-UTF-8 MBCS.
findLineNum() and setBreakpoint() would sometimes fail if the
specified file was not in the current directory.
Package tcltk's demo(tkdensity) was broken in 2.9.0 when demo()
was changed to set par(ask = TRUE).
gsub() with backrefs could fail on extremely long strings
(hundreds of thousands of characters) due to integer overflow
in a length calculation.
abline(*, untf=TRUE) now uses a better x-grid in log-scale, e.g.,
for plot(c(1,300), c(1,300), log="xy") ; abline(4,1, untf=TRUE).
detach/unloadNamespace() arrange to flush the package's
lazyload cache of R objects once the package/namespace is no
longer needed.
There have been small fixes to the rendering of help,
e.g. \command is now rendered verbatim (so e.g. -- is not
interpreted, PR#14045).
Also, there are many small changes to help files where the new converters were not rendering them in the same way as before.
available.packages() would fail when run on a repository
with no packages meeting the filtering conditions. (PR#14042)
rep(x, times, each = 2) gave invalid results when the 'times'
argument is a vector longer than 'x'. Reported by Bill Dunlap.
An error when unloadNamespace() attempted to run the .onUnload()
function gave an error in the reporting function and so was
not reported properly.
Text help rendering did not handle very long input lines
promptMethods() generated signature documentation improperly.
pgamma(x, a, lower.tail=FALSE) and qgamma(..) are now
considerably more accurate in some regions for very small 'a'.
qgamma() now correctly returns 0 instead of NaN in similar
extreme cases, and qgamma() no longer warns in the case of
small 'a', see (PR#12324).
unname() now also removes names from a zero length vector.
Printing results from ls.str() no longer evaluates unevaluated
complete.cases() failed on a 0-column data frame argument.
(Underlies PR#14066.)
It could return nonsensical results if no input determined the number of cases (seen in the no-segfault tests).
An error in nls() with a long formula could cause a segfault.
qchisq(p, df, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE) with ncp >= 80 was
inaccurate for small p (as the help page said): it is now
less inaccurate. (In part, PR#13999.)
For ncp less than but close to 80, pchisq() and qchisq() are more accurate for probablilities very close to 1 (a series expansion was truncated slightly too early).
pchisq(x, df, ncp) can no longer return values just larger than one for large values of ncp.
intToUtf8() could fail when asked to produce 10Mb or more
strings, something it was never intended to do: unfortunately
Windows crashed R (other OSes reported a lack of resources).
chisq.test() could fail when given argument 'x' or 'y' which
deparsed to more than one line. (Reported by Laurent Gauthier.)
S4 methods are uncached whenever the name space containing
them is unloaded (by unloadNamespace() as well as by
detach(unload = TRUE)).
The internal record-keeping by dyn.load/dyn.unload was
incomplete, which could crash R if a DLL that registered
.External routines had earlier been unloaded.
bessel[JY](x, nu) with nu a negative integer (a singular case)
is now correct, analogously to besselI(), see PR#13556, below.
tools::file_path_as_absolute() doubled the file separator when
applied to a file such as "/vmunix" or (on Windows) "d:/afile"
in a directory for which getwd() would return a path with a
trailing separator (largely cosmetic, as reasonable file
systems handle such a path correctly). (Perhaps what was
meant by PR#14078.)
unsplit(drop = TRUE) applied to a data frame failed to pass
'drop' to the computation of row names. (PR#14084)
The "difftime" method of mean() ignored its 'na.rm' argument.
tcltk::tk_select.list() is now more likely to remove the
widget immediately after selection is complete.
Adding/subtracting a "difftime" object to/from a "POSIXt" or
"Date" object works again (it was broken by the addition of
Conversion to latex of an Rd file with no aliases failed.
wilcox.test(*, has achieved.level corrected and, for
exact=FALSE, now gives an 'estimate' which does not depend on the
alternative used. failed when the package argument was specified.
switch(EXPR = "A") now returns NULL, as switch(1) {which used to
signal an error}.
The handling of line textures in the postscript() and pdf() devices was set up for round end caps (the only type which existed at the time): it has now been adjusted for butt endcaps.
Using read.table(header=TRUE) on a header with an embedded new line would copy part of the header into the data. (PR#14103)
qpois(p = 1, lambda = 0) now gives 0 as for all other p. (PR#14135)
x[ , drop=TRUE] dropped an NA level, even if it was in use.
The PCRE library has been updated to version 8.00.
R CMD INSTALL has new options --no-R, --no-libs, --no-data, --no-help, --no-demo, --no-exec, and --no-inst to suppress installation of the specified part of the package. These are intended for special purposes (e.g. building a database of help pages without fully installing all packages).
The documented line-length limit of 4095 bytes when reading from the console now also applies also to parse(file="") (which previously had a limit of around 1024 bytes).
A Bioconductor mirror can be set for use by setRepositories() via the option "BioC_mirror", e.g. the European mirror can be selected by options(BioC_mirror="")
Double-clicking in a tk_select.list() list box now selects the item and closes the list box (as happens on the Windows select.list() widget).
configure will be able to find a usable libtiff in some rare circumstances where it did not previously (where libtiff needed to be linked explicitly against -ljpeg).
Making refman.pdf works around a problem with the indexing with hyperref 6.79d and later.
The 'extended' argument is deprecated in strsplit(), grep(), grepl(), sub(), gsub(), regexpr() and gregexpr() (not just the value extended = FALSE) and will be removed in R 2.11.0.
trigamma(x) and other psigamma(x, n) calls are now accurate for very large abs(x). (PR#14020)
[g]sub(perl=FALSE, fixed=FALSE) could use excessive stack space when used with a very long vector containing some non-ASCII strings.
The default method of weighted.mean(na.rm = TRUE) did not omit weights for NA observations in 2.10.0. (PR#14032)
[g]regexpr(pattern, fixed = TRUE) returned match positions in bytes (not characters) in an MBCS locale if 'pattern' was a single byte.
[g]sub(fixed = TRUE) with a single-byte pattern could conceivably have matched part of a multibyte character in a non-UTF-8 MBCS.
findLineNum() and setBreakpoint() would sometimes fail if the specified file was not in the current directory.
Package tcltk's demo(tkdensity) was broken in 2.9.0 when demo() was changed to set par(ask = TRUE).
gsub() with backrefs could fail on extremely long strings (hundreds of thousands of characters) due to integer overflow in a length calculation.
abline(*, untf=TRUE) now uses a better x-grid in log-scale, e.g., for plot(c(1,300), c(1,300), log="xy") ; abline(4,1, untf=TRUE).
detach/unloadNamespace() arrange to flush the package's lazyload cache of R objects once the package/namespace is no longer needed.
There have been small fixes to the rendering of help, e.g. \command is now rendered verbatim (so e.g. -- is not interpreted, PR#14045).
Also, there are many small changes to help files where the new converters were not rendering them in the same way as before.
available.packages() would fail when run on a repository with no packages meeting the filtering conditions. (PR#14042)
rep(x, times, each = 2) gave invalid results when the 'times' argument is a vector longer than 'x'. Reported by Bill Dunlap.
An error when unloadNamespace() attempted to run the .onUnload() function gave an error in the reporting function and so was not reported properly.
Text help rendering did not handle very long input lines properly.
promptMethods() generated signature documentation improperly.
pgamma(x, a, lower.tail=FALSE) and qgamma(..) are now considerably more accurate in some regions for very small 'a'. qgamma() now correctly returns 0 instead of NaN in similar extreme cases, and qgamma() no longer warns in the case of small 'a', see (PR#12324).
unname() now also removes names from a zero length vector.
Printing results from ls.str() no longer evaluates unevaluated calls.
complete.cases() failed on a 0-column data frame argument. (Underlies PR#14066.)
It could return nonsensical results if no input determined the number of cases (seen in the no-segfault tests).
An error in nls() with a long formula could cause a segfault. (PR#14059)
qchisq(p, df, ncp, lower.tail = FALSE) with ncp >= 80 was inaccurate for small p (as the help page said): it is now less inaccurate. (In part, PR#13999.)
For ncp less than but close to 80, pchisq() and qchisq() are more accurate for probablilities very close to 1 (a series expansion was truncated slightly too early).
pchisq(x, df, ncp) can no longer return values just larger than one for large values of ncp.
intToUtf8() could fail when asked to produce 10Mb or more strings, something it was never intended to do: unfortunately Windows crashed R (other OSes reported a lack of resources). (PR#14068)
chisq.test() could fail when given argument 'x' or 'y' which deparsed to more than one line. (Reported by Laurent Gauthier.)
S4 methods are uncached whenever the name space containing them is unloaded (by unloadNamespace() as well as by detach(unload = TRUE)).
The internal record-keeping by dyn.load/dyn.unload was incomplete, which could crash R if a DLL that registered .External routines had earlier been unloaded.
bessel[JY](x, nu) with nu a negative integer (a singular case) is now correct, analogously to besselI(), see PR#13556, below.
tools::file_path_as_absolute() doubled the file separator when applied to a file such as "/vmunix" or (on Windows) "d:/afile" in a directory for which getwd() would return a path with a trailing separator (largely cosmetic, as reasonable file systems handle such a path correctly). (Perhaps what was meant by PR#14078.)
unsplit(drop = TRUE) applied to a data frame failed to pass 'drop' to the computation of row names. (PR#14084)
The "difftime" method of mean() ignored its 'na.rm' argument.
tcltk::tk_select.list() is now more likely to remove the widget immediately after selection is complete.
Adding/subtracting a "difftime" object to/from a "POSIXt" or "Date" object works again (it was broken by the addition of Ops.difftime).
Conversion to latex of an Rd file with no aliases failed.
wilcox.test(*, has achieved.level corrected and, for exact=FALSE, now gives an 'estimate' which does not depend on the alternative used. failed when the package argument was specified. (PR#14113)
switch(EXPR = "A") now returns NULL, as switch(1) {which used to signal an error}.
toLatex(sessionInfo()) produced incorrect LaTeX on some platforms due to special characters in the platform identifier.
* Older news is available in the sources: * * News of 1.x.y and 2.0.0 is in file `ONEWS' * * News of 1.0.0 and earlier is in file `OONEWS' *
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