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dir.create(recursive = TRUE) could fail if one of the components existed but was a directory on a read-only file system. (Seen on Solaris, where the error code returned is not even listed as possible on the man page.)
The postscript() and pdf() devices will now allow lwd values less than 1 (they used to force such values to be 1).
Fixed font face for CID fonts in pdf() graphics output. (PR#14326)
GERaster() now checks for width or height of zero and does nothing in those cases; previously the behaviour was undefined, probably device-specific, and possibly dangerous.
wilcox.test(x, y, = TRUE) failed with an unhelpful message if 'x' and 'y' were constant vectors, and similarly in the one-sample case. (PR#14329)
Improperly calling Recall() from outside a function could cause a segfault. (Reported by Robert McGehee.)
\Sexpr[result=rd] in an Rd file added a spurious newline, which was displayed as extra whitespace when rendered.