This blog is updated daily.
A general description is here.
<URL:> has been added to the default set of repositories known to ‘setRepositories()’.
New reference class utility methods ‘copy()’, ‘field()’, ‘getRefClass()’ and ‘getClass()’ have been added.
The ‘data.frame’ method of ‘format()’ failed if a column name was longer than 256 bytes (the maximum length allowed for an R name).
Use of ‘[[<-’ for S4 subclasses of ‘"environment"’ generated an infinite recursion from the method. The method has been replaced by internal code.
‘[[<-’ turned S4 subclasses of ‘"environment"’ into plain environments.
The internal ‘strptime()’ could corrupt its copy of the timezone which would then lead to spurious warnings. (PR#14338)
‘wilcox.test(x, y, = TRUE)’ failed with an unhelpful message if ‘x’ and ‘y’ were constant vectors, and similarly in the one-sample case. (PR#14329)
‘callNextMethod’ now works again with the ‘drop=’ argument in ‘[’
‘factor()’, ‘levels()<-’, etc, now ensure that the resulting factor levels are unique (as was always the implied intention). Factors with duplicated levels are still constructible by low-level means, but are now declared illegal.