This blog is updated daily.
A general description is here.
bzip2 has been updated to version 1.0.6 (bug-fix release). ‘--with-system-bzlib’ now requires at least version 1.0.6.
R now provides ‘jss.cls’ and ‘jss.bst’ (the class and bib style file for the Journal of Statistical Software) as well as ‘RJournal.bib’ and ‘Rnews.bib’, and ‘R CMD’ ensures that the ‘.bst’ and ‘.bib’ files are found by BibTeX.
An experimental new programming model has been added to package ‘methods’ for reference (OOP-style) classes and methods. See ‘?ReferenceClasses’.
‘R CMD Sd2Rd’ is formally deprecated and will be removed in R 2.13.0.
‘R CMD Rprof|build|check’ are now based on R rather than Perl scripts. The only remaining Perl scripts are the deprecated ‘R CMD Sd2Rd’ and ‘’ (used only if ‘install-info’ is not found) as well as some maintainer-mode-only scripts.
‘R CMD’ no longer manipulates the environment variables ‘PERL5LIB’ and ‘PERLLIB’.
The reference BLAS included in R was assuming that ‘0*x’ and ‘x*0’ were always zero (whereas they could be ‘NA’ or ‘NaN’ in IEC 60559 arithmetic). This was seen in results from ‘tcrossprod’, and for example that ‘log(0) %*% 0’ gave ‘0’.