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A general description is here.
‘inspect(obj)’ and ‘inspect3(obj, deep, pvec)’ are (hidden) C-level entry points to the internal ‘inspect’ function and can be used for C-level debugging (e.g., in conjunction with ‘p’ command in ‘gdb’).
Packages with names ending in ‘.’ are not portable since Windows does not work correctly with such directory names. This is now warned about in ‘R CMD check’, and will not be allowed in R 2.14.x.
Single-character package names are deprecated (and ‘R’ is already disallowed to avoid confusion in ‘Depends:’ fields).
The rank-correlation methods for ‘cor()’ and ‘cov()’ with ‘use = "complete.obs"’ computed the ranks before removing missing values, whereas the documentation implied incomplete cases were removed first. (PR#14488)
They also failed for 1-row matrices.
The perpendicular adjustment used in placing text and expressions in the margins of plots was not scaled by ‘par("mex")’. (Part of PR#14532.)
Quartz Cocoa device now catches any Cocoa exceptions that occur during the creation of the device window to prevent crashes. It also imposes a limit of 144 ft^2 on the area used by a window to catch user errors (unit misinterpretation) early.
The browser (invoked by ‘debug()’, ‘browser()’ or otherwise) would display attributes such as ‘"wholeSrcref"’ that were intended for internal use only.