This blog is updated daily.
A general description is here.
‘Sweave()’ has options to produce PNG and JPEG figures, and to use a custom function to open a graphics device (see ‘?RweaveLatex’). (Based in part on the contribution of PR#14418.)
The default for ‘Sweave()’ is to produce only PDF figures (rather than both EPS and PDF).
There are improvements in the way ‘Sweave()’ and ‘Stangle()’ handle non-ASCII vignette sources, especially in a UTF-8 locale: see ‘Writing R Extensions’ which now has a subsection on this topic.
Inside ‘uniroot(f, ...)’, ‘-Inf’ function values are now replaced by a maximally *negative* value.
‘rowsum()’ could silently over/underflow on integer inputs (reported by Bill Dunlap).