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It is deprecated now to use ‘mean(x)’ and ‘sd(x)’ directly on data frames (or also matrices, for ‘sd’) ‘x’, instead of simply using ‘sapply’. In the same spirit, ‘median(x)’ now gives an error for a data frame ‘x’ (it often gave nonsensical results).
Use of ‘library.dynam()’ without specifying all the first three arguments is deprecated. (It is often called from a namespace, and the defaults are only appropriate to a package.)
Use of ‘chname’ in ‘library.dynam()’ with the extension ‘.so’ or ‘.dll’ (which is clearly not allowed according to the help page) is deprecated. This also applies to ‘library.dynam.unload()’ and ‘useDynLib’ directives in ‘NAMESPACE’ files.
The ‘"table"’ method for ‘Axis()’ hardcoded ‘side = 1’, hence calls ‘plot(<vector>, <table>)’ labelled the wrong axis. (PR#14699)