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‘parallel::detectCores()’ is now able to find the number of physical cores (rather than CPUs) on Sparc Solaris.
It can also do so on recent versions of Windows (but not Windows XP); however the default remains ‘detectCores(logical = TRUE)’ on that platform.
On 64-bit Linux systems, ‘configure’ now only sets ‘LIBnn’ to ‘lib64’ if ‘/usr/lib64’ exists. This may obviate setting ‘LIBnn’ explicitly on Debian-derived systems.
It is still necessary to set ‘LIBnn = lib’ for 32-bit builds of R on a 64-bit OS on those Linux distributions capable for supporting that concept.
‘stack()’ now gives an error if no vector column is selected, rather than returning a 1-column data frame (contrary to its documentation).
‘summary.mlm()’ did not handle objects where the formula had been specified by an expression. (Reported by Helios de Rosario Martinez).
The ‘Save as’ menu item on the script editor appends ‘.R’ to a file name without an extension.
In package ‘parallel’, ‘detectCores(logical = FALSE)’ makes an OS-dependent attempt to find the number of physical cores.