This blog is updated daily.
A general description is here.
Plots of profile.mle() objects (package 'stats4') were misbehaving when the 'which' argument had been used in their calculation.
dnbinom(x, size, mu=*, ..) is now more accurate for very large 'size'. The same applies to pnbinom() and rnbinom().
The 'mle' confint() method now takes 'level' into account when setting 'alpha' for the profile.
within() was not handling correctly expressions that produced NULL columns. (PR#11131)
dev.print() and dev.copy2{eps,pdf}() now ensure that the current device is restored as the active device even if an error occurs. (PR#9801)
Calling lapply() with certain primitives was not handling method dispatch correctly for is.numeric(), is.matrix(), is.array(), log() and the Math2 group. This affected data.matrix() which incorrectly regarded "Date" and "POSIXct" objects as numeric, and has been adjusted to still do so.