This blog is updated daily.
A general description is here.
new anyDuplicated(x) returns 0 (= FALSE) or the index of the first duplicated entry of x.
The ... argument was not handled properly when ... was found in the enclosure of the current function, rather than in the function header itself. (This caused integrate() to fail in certain cases.)
col2rgb("#00000080", TRUE) would return the background colour. (Reported by Hadley Wickham.)
interaction() now ensures that its result's levels are unique.
packageDescription() and hence sessionInfo() now report the correct package version also for a non-attached loaded namespace of a version different from the default lib.loc.
New selectSuperClasses() utility in package 'methods'.
A new function smoothScatter() has been added to package 'graphics'. It is appropriate for very dense scatter plots and uses density estimation and color to reflect density of plotting.
duplicated(<data frame>, incomparables = NA) now gives the intended error message. (PR#13632)