This blog is updated daily.
A general description is here.
The ‘example()’ and ‘tools::Rd2ex()’ functions now have parameters to allow them to ignore ‘\dontrun’ markup in examples. (Suggested by Peter Solymos.)
Version requirements for ‘LinkingTo’ packages are now recognized: they are checked at installation. (Fields with version requirements were previously silently ignored.)
‘eval’ and ‘applyClosure’ are now protected against package code supplying an invalid ‘rho’.
Two warning/error messages have been corrected: the (optional) warning produced by a partial name match with a pairlist, the error message from a zero-length argument to the ‘:’ operator. (Found by Radford Neal; PR#15358, PR#15356)
‘na.omit()’ and ‘na.exclude()’ added a row to a zero-row data frame. (PR#15399)
(Windows only) Starting R with ‘R’ (instead of ‘Rterm’ or ‘Rgui’) would lose any zero-length strings from the command line arguments. (PR#15406)