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‘news()’ more flexibly extracts dates from package ‘NEWS.Rd’ files.
(Windows only) ‘choose.files()’ would occasionally include characters from the result of an earlier call in the result of a later one. (PR#16270)
‘arima(*, xreg = .)’ (for d >= 1) computes estimated variances based on a the number of effective observations as in R version 3.0.1 and earlier. (PR#16278)
On some platforms ‘nchar(x, "c")’ and ‘nchar(x, "w")’ would return values (possibly ‘NA’) for inputs which were declared to be UTF-8 but were not, or for invalid strings without a marked encoding in a multi-byte locale, rather than give an error. Additional checks have been added to mitigate this.
The ‘quietly’ argument of ‘library()’ is now correctly propagated from ‘.getRequiredPackages2()’.
Under some circumstances using the internal PCRE when building R fron source would cause external libs such as ‘-llzma’ to be omitted from the main link.