This blog is updated daily.
A general description is here.
A few more timezone Windows names have been added to the conversion table used to convert these to Olson names. (Including that from PR#16503.)
'regexpr(pat, x, perl = TRUE)' with Python-style named capture did not work correctly when 'x' contained 'NA' strings. (PR#16484)
The description of dataset 'ToothGrowth' has been improved/corrected. (PR#15953)
'model.tables(type = "means")' and hence 'TukeyHSD()' now support '"aov"' fits without an intercept term. (PR#16437)
Coercing a list without names to a data frame is faster if the elements are very long. (PR#16467)
(Unix-only) Under some circumstances piping the output from 'Rscript' or 'R -f' could result in attempting to close the input file twice, possibly crashing the process. (PR#16500)
(Windows) '' was out of step with 'win.version()' and did not report Windows 8.