This blog is updated daily.
A general description is here.
The deprecated support for PCRE versions older than 8.20 has been removed.
‘getParseData()’ gave incorrect column information when code contained multi-byte characters. (PR#17254)
Asking for help using expressions like ‘?stats::cor()’ did not work. (PR#17250)
‘readRDS(url(....))’ now works.
‘R CMD Sweave’ again returns ‘status = 0’ on successful completion.
Vignettes listed in ‘.Rbuildignore’ were not being ignored properly. (PR#17246)
‘file.mtime()’ no longer returns NA on Windows when the file or directory is being used by another process. This affected ‘installed.packages()’, which is now protected against this.
‘R CMD INSTALL’ Windows .zip file obeys ‘--lock’ and ‘--pkglock’ flags.
(Windows only) The ‘choose.files()’ function could return incorrect results when called with ‘multi = FALSE’. (PR#17270)
‘aggregate(<data.frame>, drop = FALSE)’ now also works in case of near-equal numbers in ‘by’. (PR#16918)
‘fourfoldplot()’ could encounter integer overflow when calculating the odds ratio. (PR#17286)
‘parse()’ no longer gives spurious warnings when extracting srcrefs from a file not encoded in the current locale.
This was seen from ‘R CMD check’ with ‘inst/doc/*.R’ files, and ‘check’ has some additional protection for such files.
‘print.noquote(x)’ now always returns its argument ‘x’ (invisibly).