This blog is updated daily.
A general description is here.
Calling ‘match()’ with length one ‘x’ and POSIXlt ‘table’ gave a segfault (PR#17459).
‘polym()’ and corresponding ‘lm()’ prediction now also work for a boundary "vector" case fixing PR#17474, reported by Alexandre Courtiol.
Linear multiple empty models such as ‘lm(y ~ 0)’ now have a correctly dimensioned empty coefficient matrix; reported by Brett Presnell.
‘confint(<multiple lm()>)’ now works correctly; reported on R-devel by Steven Pav.
‘cooks.distance()’ and ‘rstandard()’ now work correctly for multiple linear models (‘"mlm"’).
‘available.packages()’ has two new arguments which control if the values from the per-session repository cache are used (default true, as before) and if so how old cached values can be used (default one hour).
These arguments can be passed from ‘install.packages()’, ‘update.packages()’ and functions calling that: to enable this ‘available.packages()’, ‘packageStatus()’ and ‘download.file()’ gain a ‘...’ argument.
Calling ‘match()’ with length one ‘x’ and POSIXlt ‘table’ gave a
segfault (PR#17459).