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The ‘"glm"’ method for ‘anova()’ computes test statistics and p-values by default, using a Chisq test or an F test depending on whether the dispersion is fixed or free. Test statistics can be suppressed by giving argument ‘test’ a false logical value.
The performance of ‘write.table()’ has been improved for data frames with a large number of unclassed columns. (Thanks to Gabriel Becker's PR#18500, prompted by a report from Toby Dylan Hocking on the R-devel mailing list.)
The ‘"data.frame"’ method for ‘subset()’ now warns about extraneous arguments, typically catching the use of ‘=’ instead of ‘==’ in the ‘subset’ expression.
‘density(x, weights = *)’ now warns if automatic bandwidth selection happens without using ‘weights’; new optional ‘warnWbw’ may suppress the warning. Prompted by Christoph Dalitz' PR#18490 and its discussants.
The ‘print()’ method for class ‘"summary.glm"’ no longer shows summary statistics for the deviance residuals by default. Its optional argument ‘show.residuals’ can be used to show them if required.
The ‘tapply()’ function now accepts a data frame as its ‘X’ argument, and allows ‘INDEX’ to be a formula in that case.