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When checking Rd files, ‘R CMD check’ now notes some of the “lost braces” that ‘tools::checkRd()’ finds. Typical problems are Rd macros missing the initial backslash (e.g., ‘code{...}’), in-text set notation (e.g., ‘{1, 2}’, where the braces need escaping), and \itemize lists with \describe-style entries of the form \item{label}{description}.
‘axis.Date()’ and ‘axis.POSIXct()’ now respect the ‘par("lab")’ setting for the number of ‘pretty()’ intervals.
Functions ‘axis.Date()’ and ‘axis.POSIXct()’ are rewritten to gain better default tick locations and better default formats via the corresponding ‘pretty()’ methods. Thanks to Swetlana Herbrandt.