This blog is updated daily.
A general description is here.
Licence headers for the RPC code in ‘src/extra/xdr’ have been updated to use the GPL-compatible licence published by Oracle America in 2010.
New function ‘pkg2HTML()’ in ‘tools’ to create single-page HTML reference manuals for R packages.
No default C++ compiler is set if no C++17 compiler is detected: there is no longer an automatic fallback to C++14 or C++11.
Compilers from the last five years should have sufficient support: for others macros ‘CXX’ and ‘CXXSTD’ can be set in file ‘’ to provide a fallback if needed.
The ObjectiveC++ compiler now by default uses the standard selected by R for C++ (currently C++17) rather than the default standard for the C++ compiler (which on macOS is still C++98).
For ‘terms.formula()’, deprecate ‘abb’ and ‘neg.out’ arguments _formally_ in addition to just documenting it.
Numbers like ‘9876543.2’ are now considered non-integer by Mathlib internal ‘R_nonint()’, amending original fix of PR#15734.