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New startup option ‘--max-connections’ to set the maximum number of simultaneous connections for the session. Defaults to 128 as before: allowed values up to 4096 (but resource limits may in practice restrict to smaller values).
‘kappa(., exact = TRUE, norm = *)’ now works for all norms and also for complex matrices. In symmetric / triangular cases, the new argument ‘uplo = "U" | "L"’ allows the upper or lower triangular part to be specified.
Functions ‘psmirnov()’, ‘qsmirnov()’ and ‘rsmirnov()’ in package ‘stats’ have had argument ‘two.sided’ renamed to ‘alternative’, to take into account that the permutation distributions of the one-sided statistics can be different in the case of ties. Consequence of PR#18582.
The icence headers for the RPC code in ‘src/extra/xdr’ have been updated to use the GPL-compatible licence published by Oracle America in 2010.
The default method for the directional comparison operators ‘<’, ‘>’, ‘<=’, and ‘>=’ now signals an error when one of the operands is a language object, i.e. a symbol or a call.
‘’'s default method now also works fine with atomic objects inheriting from classes such as ‘"roman"’, ‘"octmode"’ and ‘"hexmode"’, thus fulfilling the wish of PR#18421, by Benjamin Feakins.