This blog is updated daily.
A general description is here.
New ‘qr.influence()’ function, a “bare bones” interface to the ‘lm.influence()’ leave-one-out diagnostics computations; wished for in PR#18739.
New function ‘grepv()’ identical to ‘grep()’ except with the default ‘value = TRUE’.
Building the HTML (and Info) versions of the R manuals now requires ‘texi2any’ from Texinfo 6.1 or later.
‘R CMD check --as-cran’ notes bad parts in the ‘DESCRIPTION’ file's URL fields.
‘’ gets a new option ‘new.names’ and now preserves ‘NA’ names, thus fixing the ‘format()’ method for data frames, and also bug PR#18745. Relatedly, the ‘format()’ method gets an option ‘cut.names’.